Monday, July 6, 2009

Using Your Energy Productively

Thinking, feeling, and acting are all ways of expending energy. Are you using your energy wisely? Or, are you wasting your thoughts, feelings, and actions on something or someone who is not benefiting your highest and best good? Each time you focus your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self on someone else negatively, your own energy is drained. When you give energy away, you're giving your power away as well. Stop ruminating over something you can no longer control and start vamping up your own power. Work on yourself and don't worry about people or situations that aren't even in your best interest. If you're going to think, show emotion, or act on someone else's behalf, then do it in a positive, healthful way so that your spirit and energy are built up as well.

I choose to conserve my energy by not wasting it on negative thoughts, feelings, or actions. When I do connect mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually with someone or something, it is for the highest and best good of all.


  1. Negetivity is emotionally draining.

  2. Hi there, I was using my energy to find people in Salt Lake City who might be interested in attending a free talk and book signing and a workshop I'm giving there (I live in FL) and somehow ended up on your site and then here. I see now you're in New Orleans, but I thought I'd drop in and say hi anyway. A bit of positive energy connection. I've read some of your posts or articles and they're very inspiring, thanks.
    Diana Daffner
