Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Need for Growth and Development

My 3 y.o. was watching a show today in which the little boy character decided he wanted to run away from home because he didn't want to take naps anymore. After his family candidly rationalizes with him about his decision, he decides not to go anymore. He would rather be close to his brother, play with his toys, and have fun with his friends. The show ended and my daughter comes up to me stating her wishes to run away from home as well. When she claimed it was due to the fact that she didn't want to take naps anymore, I reminded her that she gave up naps several months ago. She didn't have much else to say after that.
It was interesting to note that after viewing the whole episode, with the plot, the climax, and the resolution, she choose to focus on the conflict. I think we often do that in life. Look at your life situations as if they were a television show. Are you focusing on the crisis....the drama? We can choose to focus on a healthy outcome....a resolution. Of course through conflict and problems we can learn and personal development can occur. But do you want that in your life? Do you want situations where you feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster? Is that what you choose? We're here on Earth to learn and evolve so why not choose personal development involving healthy situations, like in a genuine partnership or when you're committing your time and efforts to a worthy cause. Review you life and release the dramas. You don't need them.

My life is full of fun and healthy situations that allow me to grow and development mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, and socially. I choose to surround myself with positive influences.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Believe in Yourself

When we're in situations that just don't resonate with our true passions or what we really want, it's sometimes hard to regain the confidence and frame of mind to have faith in making a major life change. What has helped me out in the past is a conscious connection with God/Universe/Spirit/Life Energy/Higher Self, whatever you choose to call that universal spark that helps us to become truly aware of our individual purposes. Believing in yourself and in the creative mind of the Universe, is a big step on the path to a personal development journey. Listen to the inner voice or your higher conscience that propels you toward releasing situations that no longer serve your higher purpose. Surround yourself with people and events that support you on your journey. Remind yourself day to day with affirmations, meditation CDs, or whatever you need to keep your thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your passion and purpose. The layers of the onion will continue to peel back as you believe in yourself and the true path of your life is revealed.

I fully believe and am confident in myself for choosing the path that fuels my passion and purpose. I believe in the power within myself and the Universe to manifest the brilliant life that I deserve.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Are you responsible for your life?

I was watching this new reality series on TV the other night about following the work of parking patrol and impound employees. What caught my attention most was the number of people who blatantly blamed the workers for their problems with tickets, expired registration, lapse in insurance, or suspended licences. According to most violators, it was the public employees' faults for their mistakes. Do you blame others for the life you've created? Or do you claim 100% responsibility for your own actions. This is the key to reclaiming your power and losing the "victim consciousness" mentality. Stop blaming others for your tickets and start owning your own mistakes. Once you've acknowledged responsibility, you're less likely to make those mistakes again because you become accountable. This is where personal growth and development occurs.

I am fully responsibility for thoughts, feelings, and actions. I now choose to create a brilliant, beautiful life.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mean Streak or Good Natured

I'd like to think we are all good by nature. Unfortunately, we're not evolved enough yet to connect with that element of spiritual goodness and purity every moment of our lives. A 20/20 special I saw last night showed a video of some teens purposefully beating up another girl out of anger and hatred. I felt so disheartened, and it only reinforced my decision not to watch the news or read the paper on a day to day basis. What I felt and thought was THIS HAS GOT TO STOP. We are beyond this...we have got to recognize that negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, fear, etc. are not the answer. Those situations will not heal our earth, our country, our neighborhoods, and our personal lives. What will heal us is channeling that energy into something positive, something purposeful, and something healthy. When I hear someone say, "I hate that person," I think about the karmic effect it has on everyone involved. I try to remember to pray and ask for a healing of those people's situation for the highest and best good and bless them. We have got to let our conscience influence our actions and decisions and steer us on a healthier course. Live with a conscience and consciously and the answer is simple -- be kind to yourself, others, and your environment and by all means LOVE LOVE LOVE.

I am kind. I show respect to all. I love.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Personal Development 101

Personal development is a term used to describe all that you do to improve your thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits--to develop yourself as a person and to evolve consciously. To finally say, "I am ready to change; I am ready to make things better," is empowering. This is the first step on your growth and development journey. Not only can you bring into harmony major life aspects such as finances, relationships, and career, but you can also incorporate insights into daily personal development. Choose consciously and with a conscience to live the life that you are truly passionate about.

I now embark on a personal development journey and choose all that is true and of integrity as it resonates with my mind, body, heart, and soul.