Sunday, January 11, 2009

Believe in Yourself

When we're in situations that just don't resonate with our true passions or what we really want, it's sometimes hard to regain the confidence and frame of mind to have faith in making a major life change. What has helped me out in the past is a conscious connection with God/Universe/Spirit/Life Energy/Higher Self, whatever you choose to call that universal spark that helps us to become truly aware of our individual purposes. Believing in yourself and in the creative mind of the Universe, is a big step on the path to a personal development journey. Listen to the inner voice or your higher conscience that propels you toward releasing situations that no longer serve your higher purpose. Surround yourself with people and events that support you on your journey. Remind yourself day to day with affirmations, meditation CDs, or whatever you need to keep your thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your passion and purpose. The layers of the onion will continue to peel back as you believe in yourself and the true path of your life is revealed.

I fully believe and am confident in myself for choosing the path that fuels my passion and purpose. I believe in the power within myself and the Universe to manifest the brilliant life that I deserve.

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