Monday, July 20, 2009

Your Inner Power

How do you feel about your inner sense of empowerment? Though each day may bring varying emotions, your inner power in general is either being built up, being drained, or staying rather neutral. If someone approaches you in a dominating or threatening way, he or she could be draining your energy. If someone praises you for a job well done, your internal power is likely strengthened. Think about who you associate with and your relationships with them. Do people suck you dry, or are they inspiring to the point of positive empowerment? In the same regard, consider how you interact with others. If you raise your voice in a manipulating or abusive way, you're taking away someone's sense of self and internal power. If you offer helpful guidance and support, you're more apt to enhance your own as well as another's inner source of control. When dealing with issues of personal power, you should realize that your holistic self is influenced - mentally (thoughts), emotionally (feelings), physically (body and actions), and spiritually (soul). If another person is consciously or even subconsciously affecting your inner power in a negative way, it is vital to your confidence and energy to draw boundaries and protect your sense of peace. When you converse with others, be cognizant of how you treat them. Is your tone loving and supportive or condescending and patronizing? Show respect to yourself and build up your personal power by surrounding yourself with positive people, places, and situations and by removing yourself from harsh environments.

I love and respect myself; therefore, I always surround myself with love and light. I draw boundaries as necessary and stop others before they threaten my inner power. I am consciously aware of my interactions with others and only think, feel, speak, and act in supportive ways.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff! Perfect timing as well. It's always when I need to hear something. LOL.
