Friday, September 18, 2009

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

You may have heard the saying, "I am my own worst enemy" and at times agreed to the claim. Though treating others well is important, consider how you treat yourself. Are you consistently showering yourself with love and respect, or are you being an enemy to yourself - consciously or subconsciously causing dysfunction, chaos and imbalance? You are a holistic being who requires healthy attention to all life aspects and areas in order to manifest true progress and reach human potential. Keep your thoughts and words regarding yourself honest, affirming, and focused on your inner passions and dreams. Lift your emotions from self-defeating sadness and victim consciousness to ones that feel empowering, confident, and energizing. Create relationships of integrity with others who are healthy, supportive, and inspiring. Use personal development or spiritual awareness techniques to help get you started. Honor your body as a sacred vessel. It is your vehicle to express your true divine nature. Eat healthily, rest properly, and exercise for maximum benefit. Connect spiritually to your higher self, God, angels, Buddha, Jesus or with whomever you are divinely aligned. Prayer, meditation, journaling, and reflection can promote self-discovery, understanding of life circumstances, and community support. Be good to your holistic self - mind, body, heart and soul.

I treat myself with kindness, love and respect. I honor my mind, body, heart and soul for the brilliant gifts they are. I am grateful for this time on Earth and steadily and progressively move forward on my journey to reach my full potential. I am my own friend.

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