Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to Do a Life Review

When you are ready and willing to heal your life, one of the first steps is to perform a life review or assessment of your current situation. Oftentimes, it is difficult to analyze your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and actions without having an biased opinion. As you grow in self-awareness, you can become your own internal checks and balances mechanism to keep your life flowing well. But until then, you need to learn to rely on your recurrent thoughts, feelings, and actions as well as factual evidence with as much outside-of-the-box perspective as you can. Take one hour and address each of your life aspects - health, career, finances, romance, and relationships with family. Decide what is out of balance with respect to each area. For example, in health, do you have high cholesterol? In career, are you motivated by passion or just by getting a paycheck? In romance, do you and your partner treat each other well? In family relationships, are you on non-speaking terms with someone? Life reviews at least give you insight into what is not working right or serving your higher purpose. From there, you can tackle your priority areas and start healing your life for the better.

I am ready to heal my life. I am capable of determining what no longer serves my best good. I deserve good in life, and I am responsible for creating it. I am empowered and function from a hero consciousness. I am not a victim. I choose confidence, courage, and personal power!

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