Monday, October 19, 2009

Healing with Nature

Healing with nature can involve the use of several aspects related to the environment, plants, animals and crystal kingdom. Just being outside in the fresh air and sunlight for a few minutes each day is therapeutic. Because water is symbolically related to emotional issues, using a visualization exercise to cleanse away fear or stress with the ocean, rain, shower, or bath water with sea salts can help alleviate mental and emotional anxiety. Crystals and gemstones carry a vibrational frequency and, therefore, can be aligned with the chakra system within one's subtle energetic field in order to help restore balance and functionality. Interacting with pets can increase joy and assist in the healing process. Plants are known for readily absorbing negative psychic debris and purifying it. The element of fire can be incorporated into rituals of transformation through acts of forgiveness, surrender, and release. Actively participating in environmental clean-up initiatives can help you connect with community members and honor your local flora and fauna. You can tap into the power of the moon phases for a new moon manifestation project. Through creativity and imagination, you can devise ways which Mother Earth and all of its components can assist in holistic healing and recovery.

I welcome the power of nature and Mother Earth for healing on all levels. By honoring the earth, air, fire, water, and spirit of life, I also honor myself and actions. I am inspired by the healing effects of plants, animals, and the environment. My solar plexus radiates with love, light, and healing restorative energy.

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