Monday, February 16, 2009

Transcend the Pendulum

So you wake up one morning and the sky is blue, your kids are cooperating, you find an extra $20 in your pocket, and there's no traffic on the way to work. You go home and your neighbor gives you leftovers, you and your husband have a splendid intimate evening, and you get a full night's rest. Next day you wake up late because the electricity went out from a thunderstorm, your food in the fridge is ruined, you just remembered it was your turn at carpool, your child spills her milk all over the car seat, and its bumper to bumper traffic on the way to work. Your boss wants you to rewrite your proposal, your child throws up at school, and your husband decides to mention the business trip he has to go on for the next week.
How do you deal with life's ups and downs? How do you transcend the pendulum swing of emotions?
First of all remember that tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass. Then visualize yourself rising up the pendulum as it swings. Realize that everything happening is just an illusion and peace and harmony are what truly exists. Take a deep breath during the mishap and ask yourself why you feel negative emotions, fear, or stress about the situation. Make a conscious choice to let the negativity go and choose to follow a path of faith and love. Once you develop this habit, instead of managing stress you will be maintaining bliss by rising above.

I rise above challenging situations and maintain my bliss.

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