Sunday, December 27, 2009

Conscious Engagement in Romance

Romantic love can elicit a range of emotions such as anticipation, joy, sorrow, heartache, passion, bliss, and fear. If you wish to sustain a healthy, committed romantic relationship, you have to consider where you are on your own journey in life. A healthy, evolving you plus a healthy, evolving partner equals a healthy, evolving relationship. Not all romantic relationships are meant to remain until death, but they all serve a purpose in at least one chapter of your life. Before you enter into a romantic partnership, examine your own sense of independence, life choices and patterns, financial stability, emotional and mental balance, and sense of contentment with life. Look at any patterns that you've repeated in past relationships and seek to understand the underlying message and lesson so that you can grow, develop, and improve. Consciously engaging in a love partnership means promoting a mind, body, heart, and soul connection. Set the intention to meet someone who resonates with you on all levels and be open to receiving an amazing experience.

I consciously participate in my romantic relationship. I love to connect with my partner on a holistic level. The amazing romantic person I attract is a life partner whom I can evolve alongside. We understand each other and connect physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Love Is the Answer

Love is a universally positive emotion that serves to transcend any illusion of fear in whatever form it may take. If you find it hard to extend loving feelings to those who have hurt you in the past, start by showing yourself love. Mentally, you can infuse your thoughts with love by transforming self-defeating patterns and words into empowering intentions and affirmations. When you have an unhealthy or non-productive thought about yourself, take a deep breath. Cancel out the effects of it by declaring, "Cancel, clear, delete," and re-word the statement from a place of self-love. If you constantly think, "I'm sick of my big thighs!" You can rephrase and affirm, "My body is the temple of my soul. It is sacred and I vow to respect it with love and kindness." Closing your eyes and breathing while affirming something positive and healthy can help you remain in the moment. Visualize loving, pure energy flowing throughout your entire being and into every cell. The mental-emotional aspect of change can be the hardest. Explore emotional issues from your family of origin or past relationships in which your needs were unmet. Perhaps your father mistreated you or your ex-girlfriend verbally abused you. Before physical change can endure, the underlying mental, emotional, and spiritual concerns have to be dealt with and handled healthily. Improved thoughts are only one aspect of change. Believing in yourself and believing you deserve good and deserve to be loved is integral for creating authentic and solid change.

I love me and all that I encompass. Joy, peace, bliss, and love radiate from all aspects of my being. My mind, body, heart, and soul exude love for myself, my friends and family, my community, and the world. Love is the key and answer to healing me and healing the world.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Co-Dependency on Others

When you are living in an authentic reality manifested from your own feelings, thoughts, desires, and beliefs, you are less likely to be or become co-dependent on someone else's attitudes or traits. Co-dependency weakens individualism, originality, and creative potential. Being co-dependent, especially on those with addictive tendencies, is usually a learned behavior that can be passive-aggressive in nature. In the clinical sense, co-dependency can be seen as an addiction problem that has to be dealt with psychologically. In day-to-day events, you can examine if you are living, thinking, feeling, and believing from your own consciousness and heart's truest desires. Or, are you basing your reality on someone else's fluctuations in emotions, actions, and relationships? Detaching and cutting literal and metaphoric cords to another person in a co-dependent relationship can help you feel liberated and free to finally live your own life authentically.

I am true to my own needs, desires, values, and beliefs. I form healthy relationships with others and clear boundaries are set. I am free to express my own beliefs, individual characteristics, and interests. I respect other people's paths and detach compassionately.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Learning to Be Non-Judgmental

While living a human existence you are in a position to make decisions based on what you feel is right or best for you and your family. In doing so, you often have to examine the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and character traits of others' and the situations they present. Sometimes you can get caught up in feeling what's right for you is also right for someone else. If you make a judgment on another you may tend to belittle or impose your opinion on that person or his or her experiences. In order to maintain your power and confidence without hurting someone else's feelings, you can choose a position of discernment and nonjudgment instead. Discernment allows you to think and feel from a sense of esteem, courage, and self-care so that you can maintain your decision and boundaries confidently without passing judgment on someone else's choices. You can simply declare, "I prefer things to be done this way as I feel it is the best decision for me and my loved ones."

I choose from a place of confidence and discernment, not judgment. I only have control of my thoughts, feelings, actions, and relationships. I allow others to honor their own paths without passing judgment on them, but it doesn't mean I have to agree or side with them also.

Monday, November 30, 2009

How to Really Forgive Someone

When someone hurts you, the pain can become consuming and affect all aspects of yourself - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Forgiviness is an act often declared as a step toward healing and growth. Being ready and willing and actually forgiving someone can be a process that takes time, self-reflection, confidence, and courage. Feeling or perceiving you were wronged is something personal and internal, whether or not an actual malevolence was intended. If there is a question about the nature of the incidenct, speak with the other party first before assuming the harmful behavior was purposeful. If someone clearly said something to hurt your feelings, physically abused you, affirmed negative statements about your character, or chastised you for the path you are on in life, you must deal with the consequences and how any insults influence you now. Reactively, you may feel like retorting back hurtfully, but this is not productive. If you must redeem yourself, do it with dignity and esteem. Own your responsibility in the matter and explain your perspective honestly and without judgment or bias. If the other person chooses to continue to berate or abuse then let the situation go and ask for a blessing of healing in the highest and best way. When you have processed the experience from a higher understanding, forgive the person for any mistake or error. You are not endorsing the hurtful act through forgiveness. You are only allowing yourself not to be hurt anymore by releasing anger, resentment, and frustration. Choose peace by filling and surrounding your heart and body with love and light.

I finally allow myself to forgive those who have hurt me now or in the past. I allow myself to be filled with love as old anger, resentment, and negative energy attachments are released. I am free!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Holistic Gratitude

Gratitude can be shown and expressed holistically - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Mentally, you can affirm how grateful you are in your thoughts and in your words. From you heart, your emotions can indicate the joy and experience of gratitude and love for all that you have and all that you are. Physically, you can give gifts of appreciation, such as cards, or you can show someone how thankful you are by cooking her a beautiful breakfast or dinner. Spiritually, you can go within to a place of silence and honor the connection you have with God, your higher self, and any spirit guides. You can also bless your purpose and relationships with yourself, among loved ones, and with the world community.

I am holistically grateful. I show appreciation in my thoughts and words, feelings, actions, and connections. My holistic self is thankful for the air that I breathe, the loved ones in my life, my material possessions, and all of my life experiences.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Learning from Nature and Nurture

The Nature versus Nurture Theory explains how humans learn and integrate information. Based on the nature aspect, individuals are genetically born with attributes and your heredity plays a major role in how you live your life. The nurture side posits that your experiences are a product of your environment. It's difficult to pigeon-hole your personality, beliefs, patterns of behavior, and other holistic circumstances and sensory experiences into one or the other. Often a combination of genetic predisposition and learned behavior create the foundation for the life circumstances and roles you ultimately play out. Consider your predominant thoughts, feelings, actions, and connections with others. Which personality traits, relationships, and reactions to life events stem from an inherent, instinctual genetic pool, and which ones have you responded to based on knowledge or wisdom gained through external means? By identifying where your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors originate, you can honor them more as your own or something you've attached to but don't really identify with. Make sure what you're thinking, feelings, doing, and sensing comes from your true self, whether you were born with it or utilized integrated environmental information.

I honor myself and my life experiences as my own. Both my genetics and the environment play a role in the life I live. I acknowledge my thoughts, feelings, actions, and relationships as part of my true self. I detach with what no longer serves me or my purpose. I am confident and genuine with who I am and how I live my life.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Do Major Events Define Your Life?

Oftentimes, people describe their lives in terms of pinpoint dramatic events that have occurred. For example, "We lived in New Orleans pre-Katrina" or "My husband and I got along better before the miscarriage." Major incidents or changes, such as divorce, marriage, or job transfer, are aspects of life that need to be dealt with. However, when you define yourself, your relationships, and your contentment in relation to those chaotic times, you may lose sight of all the other moments that serve as the filling. How you handle the transitional periods is equally important to your reactions to critical incidents. During the stable, functional times of life, you may feel restless and unsettled because of an underlying worry or fear that some other upheaval will come and disrupt your life. In actuality though, the best thing to do is just to live in the moment and enjoy the simple pleasure of stability. Developing a sense of peace, serenity, and gratitude during the easy times can help you better cope during heightened periods of stress.

My life is defined by the simple, pleasurable moments of joy and fulfillment in my everyday life. I am living my life now and enjoy every moment of it! I embrace each moment as an opportunity to express love, happiness, and appreciation for all of life. I handle major life events from a place of peace, love, and trust.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Try Something New

When the daily grind seems too routine and you're aching for a change, try something new. Whether it's a new route to work or another type of morning bagel, you have the choice to decide another option. The power of free-will and decision-making ability gives you the freedom of being able to shift from the stagnant energy of consistent, automatic responses to occasional spontaneous routes. The same old same old can be comforting and stable. However, if you sense in your mind, body, heart, and soul that something needs to change and you're getting kind of bored with what's been happening, embrace the opportunity to try something different. A new course of action even in the simplest way can invoke fresh, inspiring energy and help you attract wondrous people, places, and situations into your life. Be a dynamic free spirit and choose a new path - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Start with whatever first comes to mind that you intuitively sense is ready to transform. Allow yourself to go with the flow of something new and different and have fun with your choice.

I embrace change because it is healthy to evolve and learn about new opportunities. Fresh perspectives inspire me and help me to attract exciting people, places, situations, and things into my life. I balance the comfort of stability with my free-spirited nature for spontaneous play and fun!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Refocusing Thoughts and Feelings About Finances

During tough economic times, it's easy to regress to the mentality of "I can't" or "I don't have" because of the current financial situation you may be in. From what we know of the Law of Attraction principles and the energy of thoughts, focusing or complaining about the negatives will only reinforce that deficit vibration. In the heat of the moment when your mind or voice is rambling on worrying about money matters, take a deep breath. This will help re-center your mind, body, heart, and soul on the immediate present. Once you've regrounded yourself, say either out loud or to yourself, "I cancel, clear, and delete any negative affirmations regarding my money situation." Now start with the positive process of attraction with your thoughts. Say an affirmation of abundance such as, "I am fully supported in life with financial freedom, abundant blessings, and prosperous opportunities." Next use a visualization and imagination exercise to fully experience the sights, smells, tastes, sounds, tactile sensations, and emotions of success, comfortable living, and prosperity. See in your mind's eye you working in your dream career - the type of work you would like to do, the hours you want, the perfect location or office, the salary you desire, and the staff you would like to work with. Envision you and your family living in your dream home - playing with your pet, swinging on a porch swing, cooking BBQ in the backyard, and lying on warm silky sheets. Feel the joy and gratitude in your heart for these blessings. You can also call upon the angels of abundance to help align your vibration to attract what you desire. Be ready for change and follow through on divinely guided messages.

My thoughts, feelings, actions, and connections attract all that is good, healthy, and positive into my life. I immediately stop negative thinking and start focusing my attention on gratitude, blessings, and success. I work my magic and use my natural passions and talents in a creative way to bring blessings and healings to all involved.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Healing with Nature

Healing with nature can involve the use of several aspects related to the environment, plants, animals and crystal kingdom. Just being outside in the fresh air and sunlight for a few minutes each day is therapeutic. Because water is symbolically related to emotional issues, using a visualization exercise to cleanse away fear or stress with the ocean, rain, shower, or bath water with sea salts can help alleviate mental and emotional anxiety. Crystals and gemstones carry a vibrational frequency and, therefore, can be aligned with the chakra system within one's subtle energetic field in order to help restore balance and functionality. Interacting with pets can increase joy and assist in the healing process. Plants are known for readily absorbing negative psychic debris and purifying it. The element of fire can be incorporated into rituals of transformation through acts of forgiveness, surrender, and release. Actively participating in environmental clean-up initiatives can help you connect with community members and honor your local flora and fauna. You can tap into the power of the moon phases for a new moon manifestation project. Through creativity and imagination, you can devise ways which Mother Earth and all of its components can assist in holistic healing and recovery.

I welcome the power of nature and Mother Earth for healing on all levels. By honoring the earth, air, fire, water, and spirit of life, I also honor myself and actions. I am inspired by the healing effects of plants, animals, and the environment. My solar plexus radiates with love, light, and healing restorative energy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Raising Personal and Societal Standards

Standards and expectations you have set for yourself have a connection to the worldwide community. If you deem yourself worthy enough and if you are able to set boundaries for not tolerating anything but what you feel is best, then you will project out into the environment a certain sense of respect, value, and commitment to excellence. As each person reaches a level of consciousness such as this, the nature and consciousness of humanity can be influenced, if only one person and situation at a time. Will you accept a husband that says, "I may drink alcohol every night but at least I don't hit you" or a teenage daughter that claims, "I may be having sex at 14 but at least I'm not pregnant." Your attitudes and beliefs about what you and your family deserve and what you will accept as your standard contributes to society's standards. If your self-expectations are low, you are reflecting onto your culture and community less than what is your best. Society has become blase' about what's socially acceptable behavior and what is deviant behavior and shouldn't be tolerated. Just look at the early 1900s compared to now. What is accepted now within families, relationships, and personal lives would have not been tolerated then. Increase your standards and attract into your life the highest and best people, places, and situations. Project out into the world a consciousness that mirrors goodness, integrity, respect, and family values.

I respect myself and my loved ones enough to say "no" to what I feel is not in our highest and best interest. My thoughts, feelings, actions, and connections are based on respect, integrity, and an interest in family values. I contribute holistically and purposefully to my community. I show compassion and forgiveness for others who may not decide on what's healthy, but I choose to surround myself with what serves my highest good.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Changing Negative Talk about Others into Positive Self-Talk

Gossip or negative talk about others by its nature is draining. When you talk about someone else in less than a positive or loving light, you are impacted in a negative way as well. Occupying your mind, emotions, and actions with hurtful, angry, or resentful comments and statements is self-defeating and depleting. When you persistently think or feel negatively, whether about yourself or others, you will continually attract drama and negative energy into your own life. Your focus on rage, betrayal, or vengeance compounds itself because your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create your reality. It is imperative to re-set your mind, body, heart, and soul to positive self-empowerment. Transform the self-destructive attitude and patterns to that which uplifts, inspires, and motivates yourself and others. You are worth the time, energy, and positive focus so stop preoccupying yourself with what you can not change or what you believe is juicy gossip about someone else. You are responsible for yourself so make your time on Earth count toward personal empowerment.

I empower myself through positive self-talk. I choose to increase personal power through positive affirmations and uplifting emotions. I attract into my life that which I focus on, and I choose to focus on inspiring and motivating thoughts, feelings, actions, and connections.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Holistic Healing from Past Negative Events

Your past has shaped you into the person you are today - mind, body, heart and soul. Circumstances from your past may have been healthy and beneficial, traumatic and life-changing, or neutrally somewhere in between. Though you may feel grateful for the positive experiences, you may also curse the negative ones or those people you perceive were responsible for creating them. If you find yourself still holding resentment, anger, and blame for negative events from your past, perhaps it is time to forgive and let go. Emotions such as those can occupy your mind with negativity, stress your physical body, pervade your heart with unsettling emotions, and tear away at your soul.

Return to the present moment. Are you safe? Do you have a roof over your head? Can you choose to be happy? Can you engage in fun activities? Do you feel someone is ruining your life right now? Are you able to stop thinking about the past and focus on the present? Can you find the blessings in past turmoil? Are you able to help or inspire others from your experiences?

Empower yourself now by taking responsibility for your holistic self and creating a new future based on self-awareness, positive growth, and a transformed perspective.

I surrender any negativity related to my past. It is the present and this moment is what I choose to focus on. I am now creating an empowered future based on an empowered sense of self. I choose peace and refuse to allow negative thoughts, feelings, and actions from my past to prevent me from reaching my potential. I am strong!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

You may have heard the saying, "I am my own worst enemy" and at times agreed to the claim. Though treating others well is important, consider how you treat yourself. Are you consistently showering yourself with love and respect, or are you being an enemy to yourself - consciously or subconsciously causing dysfunction, chaos and imbalance? You are a holistic being who requires healthy attention to all life aspects and areas in order to manifest true progress and reach human potential. Keep your thoughts and words regarding yourself honest, affirming, and focused on your inner passions and dreams. Lift your emotions from self-defeating sadness and victim consciousness to ones that feel empowering, confident, and energizing. Create relationships of integrity with others who are healthy, supportive, and inspiring. Use personal development or spiritual awareness techniques to help get you started. Honor your body as a sacred vessel. It is your vehicle to express your true divine nature. Eat healthily, rest properly, and exercise for maximum benefit. Connect spiritually to your higher self, God, angels, Buddha, Jesus or with whomever you are divinely aligned. Prayer, meditation, journaling, and reflection can promote self-discovery, understanding of life circumstances, and community support. Be good to your holistic self - mind, body, heart and soul.

I treat myself with kindness, love and respect. I honor my mind, body, heart and soul for the brilliant gifts they are. I am grateful for this time on Earth and steadily and progressively move forward on my journey to reach my full potential. I am my own friend.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Holistic Healing Effects of Music

Music has several components to it, including the lyrics, melody, rhythm, instrumentation, pitch, movement, and voice. Undeniably, music can have an effect on your mind, body, heart, and soul. When you want to feel pumped up and energized, a fast-beat, rockin' song can help get you there. When you feel romantic and want to be intimate with your partner, a sappy love song can set the mood. When you need inspiration, listening to spiritual music can uplift you. When you just want to relax your mind and regain focus, easy listening can soothe the chatter. Dancing and body movement to music can also be therapeutic. Allow your ego, heart, mind, and body to release stagnant energy, negative emotions, and draining attachments as you sway, pound, clap, and connect with an ancient aspect of your soul. See yourself as a tribal, creational being close to the physical and metaphoric cradle of civilization. Sound is believed to be the primordial element of our existence: "In the beginning, there was the Word," Masonic (mother sound), Aum is the eternal sound of all that exists.

I listen to music that frees my mind, nurtures my heart, moves my body, and stirs my soul. I connect with my creational roots and allow music to heal my mind, body, heart, and soul. I am one with the universal vibration.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Comparing Your Relationship Partner to Parents

Have you ever compared or contrasted your romantic partner with either your mother or father, i.e. your husband with your father or your wife with your mother? Your family of origin can have strong influences (both good and bad) on your values, beliefs, personality, and even the foods that you enjoy. When you develop a commitment with someone special, you may inadvertently take notes and compare that person with the way your mom or dad did things. Making comments like, "I'll only eat chocolate cake that my mom bakes!" or "My dad could easily fix that!" can be hurtful to your partner and create tension in your relationship. It's important to think prudently before your verbalize or act on your reflexive sentiments. The relationship you are in now is the one you need to foster, feed with happiness, and continue to evolve. Be open to different perspectives and approaches from your partner, even if they vary greatly from what you've been accustomed to since you were a child.

I honor the romantic relationship with my partner as our own. I am open to receiving all the good my partner has to offer. New experiences and delights come to our relationship now. I release past hurts from my family of origin dynamics and now focus my current relationship intentions on good, love, and joy.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Do You Ever Think Beyond Yourself?

Self-care is important, but having the ability to think about another's needs is also integral for conscious personal development. On a daily basis, do you find yourself naturally wanting to help other people? Or, are you so consumed with your own world that you neglect to soulfully connect with those around you? Without compromising your boundaries, values, or morals you can participate in the giving and receiving exchange of energy that is part of the universal flow. Some people, without even thinking twice, are part of this energy, often subconsciously, because it is inherent in their nature. For example, they'll automatically slow down when they see a line of cars built up and let others merge onto their lane. Or if a friend's child gets sick at a birthday party, they are right there helping the mom clean up. Examine your attitudes and beliefs about being there for others in need. Is it natural for you to want to help? If not, what are the reasons, boundaries, and walls you've set up that prevent you from being of service to people, animals, or environments in need?

Without compromising myself, I give and love openly. It feels natural to me to be of service to others. I enjoy participating in the universal exchange of energy and feel part of a conscious, connected world. When all is stable and functional in my world, I am able to think, feel, and act beyond myself in a genuine, caring manner.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Defining Self-Worth

A good sense of self-worth is indicative of a confident person who maintains a healthy degree of esteem, value, and love for self. Healthy self-worth can further describe more than self-love and respect. It also involves not compromising morals, ethics, or true happiness for the sake of such things as increasing material items to feel better, maintaining harmful relationships, or indulging in transient, dishonorable temptations. Review your degree of self-worth. Are you holding true to integrity, healthy belief patterns, and honorable relationships? Or, are you making choices based on increasing your net worth, gaining false respect from others, or allowing other people's judgements to sway your personal opinion of yourself? To further examine personal worthiness, extend your assessment to how you treat others. Are you creating meaningful, win-win partnerships, or do you secretly hope to compete, conquer, and gain personal satisfaction in one-sided situations?

I value myself as a person and feel good about the choices I make. I know in my heart, mind, body, and soul that my decisions come from a true sense of worth, morality, and integrity. My true sense of self-worth is internal, not based externally on possessions or falsely secure relationships. My intentions are to create relationships that yield positive outcomes for all involved.

Friday, August 14, 2009

What Expectations Do You Have for Yourself?

When setting a schedule for the day or long-term goals for the next five years, it's important to assess the expectations you have for yourself. Consider if your thoughts, feelings, or proposed actions are positive, negative, or neutral. Through conscious and holistic self-awareness, you can learn how to actively engage yourself in the co-creation and manifestation process. When functioning from a place of negativity, pessimism, or self-destructive energy, the results that follow may not be what's for your highest and best good. However, when you affirm positive outcomes, feel joy in the work you do, and make healthy decisions, the product is more likely to be rewarding and beneficial. The expectations you set, even in casual sentences like, "This black cloud keeps following me," can be self-fulfilling. Instead of feeling a sense of struggle, regain control by first shifting your thoughts to an "in the flow" mentality. The initial changes may be challenging because you have to own responsibility and choose differently than what you've been doing, but ultimately, positive expectations can create positive results.

I start my day with a positive frame of mind, healthy emotional state, and affirmative action. I know it is my choice to live from a sense of struggle or sense of peace. I choose peace! I happily allow the day to unfold because I trust in the energetic flow of the universe. My intentions remain focused on good.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to Do a Life Review

When you are ready and willing to heal your life, one of the first steps is to perform a life review or assessment of your current situation. Oftentimes, it is difficult to analyze your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and actions without having an biased opinion. As you grow in self-awareness, you can become your own internal checks and balances mechanism to keep your life flowing well. But until then, you need to learn to rely on your recurrent thoughts, feelings, and actions as well as factual evidence with as much outside-of-the-box perspective as you can. Take one hour and address each of your life aspects - health, career, finances, romance, and relationships with family. Decide what is out of balance with respect to each area. For example, in health, do you have high cholesterol? In career, are you motivated by passion or just by getting a paycheck? In romance, do you and your partner treat each other well? In family relationships, are you on non-speaking terms with someone? Life reviews at least give you insight into what is not working right or serving your higher purpose. From there, you can tackle your priority areas and start healing your life for the better.

I am ready to heal my life. I am capable of determining what no longer serves my best good. I deserve good in life, and I am responsible for creating it. I am empowered and function from a hero consciousness. I am not a victim. I choose confidence, courage, and personal power!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are You Using Your Power of Choice Wisely?

Each day you are presented with the ability to choose hundreds of thoughts, feelings, and actions. Along with the final decisions you make regarding each of those you would have bypassed several thousand other options. Consider the time you wake up, the type of toothpaste you use, how you address your spouse in the morning, whether or not you eat breakfast, if you press you horn impatiently for traffic to move, how productive you are at work, the quality of time you spend with kids, the amount of television you watch, the types of books you read, and what time you go to bed. These are just some examples of the power of choice you actually have and can use. Most of us think and function according to our limiting beliefs and perceived realities - can't afford this, don't have a big enough yard, can't get partner to understand, kid doesn't want to eat broccoli, etc. Look at your daily life from the perspective of choice. Use the power of choice in a healthy, positive way and start attracting refreshing situations and experiences beyond your self-imposed barriers.

I realize that every day gives me the opportunity to make healthy choices. I consciously stay in the here and now so that I can choose more wisely from a place of love. I understand my choices create consequences, and I create a brilliant now and future by making healthy decisions today.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ask the Universe for a Reward

If you are feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed, or burnt out, you need and deserve a break. Struggling to arrange time for yourself or for money to come your way is exactly that - a struggle. Instead, ask the universe or set the intention to experience a beautiful reward in the highest and best way. Then, over the next few days, be aware of opportunities that present themselves or ideas that come into your mind seemingly out of the blue. Follow up on guidance that is healthy, supportive, and consistently positive. Know that your mind, body, heart, and soul are due for a restorative, healing rest and rejuvenation. Maybe you can arrange for an exchange of services, or your sister says she'd love to take the kids for a few hours, or your neighbor gives you a magazine after she's done reading it. Release the need to control what the universe delivers and surrender any expectations. Allow God and the universal Spirit to bring you what you need most at this time. Express gratitude for everything that comes your way.

I consciously put myself in the abundant flow of the universe. I graciously accept good into my life now and always. I give myself a much needed rest because I know I deserve it and because self-care is important to me.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Your Inner Power

How do you feel about your inner sense of empowerment? Though each day may bring varying emotions, your inner power in general is either being built up, being drained, or staying rather neutral. If someone approaches you in a dominating or threatening way, he or she could be draining your energy. If someone praises you for a job well done, your internal power is likely strengthened. Think about who you associate with and your relationships with them. Do people suck you dry, or are they inspiring to the point of positive empowerment? In the same regard, consider how you interact with others. If you raise your voice in a manipulating or abusive way, you're taking away someone's sense of self and internal power. If you offer helpful guidance and support, you're more apt to enhance your own as well as another's inner source of control. When dealing with issues of personal power, you should realize that your holistic self is influenced - mentally (thoughts), emotionally (feelings), physically (body and actions), and spiritually (soul). If another person is consciously or even subconsciously affecting your inner power in a negative way, it is vital to your confidence and energy to draw boundaries and protect your sense of peace. When you converse with others, be cognizant of how you treat them. Is your tone loving and supportive or condescending and patronizing? Show respect to yourself and build up your personal power by surrounding yourself with positive people, places, and situations and by removing yourself from harsh environments.

I love and respect myself; therefore, I always surround myself with love and light. I draw boundaries as necessary and stop others before they threaten my inner power. I am consciously aware of my interactions with others and only think, feel, speak, and act in supportive ways.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Taking the Easy Way Out

If you found a bag with $10,000 in it, with no name or reference to its owner, and in a place with no one around, would you keep it? If the bank accidentally credited $1000 to your account, would you tell them it was a mistake? If you were given answers to a test, would you cheat? In other words, would you take the easy way out? Taking the path that you aren't necessarily deserving of may be the quick, least productive way, but it also may not be the most integrous and moral. So why is it so easy, and why do people still do it? Because when the world presents someone with an undeserving opportunity, that someone may view it from a couple of perspectives: 1. The universe just gave him an easy way out, though he did not rightfully earn it. 2. The quick and easy way satisfies his immediate needs and urges; therefore, he chose it. From these viewpoints, some may actually rationalize that it's OK to forget about morals or Karma and just accept what they think they deserve. If you were truly evolved and had a developed conscience and conscious, you would realize that cheating or taking money that isn't rightfully yours is not the healthy thing to do. You would understand what the appropriate course of action would be without hesitation. Where do you stand on these scenarios? Examine your beliefs and the actions you think you would take and decide for yourself how healthy your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are.

I am confident in myself and the universe to always provide for me and my family. I openly receive what I feel I rightfully deserve. I have a clear conscience and know in my heart, mind, body, and soul that I do what is appropriate and healthy.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Using Your Energy Productively

Thinking, feeling, and acting are all ways of expending energy. Are you using your energy wisely? Or, are you wasting your thoughts, feelings, and actions on something or someone who is not benefiting your highest and best good? Each time you focus your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self on someone else negatively, your own energy is drained. When you give energy away, you're giving your power away as well. Stop ruminating over something you can no longer control and start vamping up your own power. Work on yourself and don't worry about people or situations that aren't even in your best interest. If you're going to think, show emotion, or act on someone else's behalf, then do it in a positive, healthful way so that your spirit and energy are built up as well.

I choose to conserve my energy by not wasting it on negative thoughts, feelings, or actions. When I do connect mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually with someone or something, it is for the highest and best good of all.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Are You Doing the Best You Can?

In times of stress, such as feeling overwhelmed with a busy work schedule and living paycheck to paycheck, you may feel, "But I'm doing the best I can!" In that particular situation, it's probably true. You can only do so much, there's only so much time in the day, and you only have a finite amount of money in your bank account. However, once the acute distressing event has come to pass, it may be in your interest to examine your life from an outside-the-box perspective: Are you truly doing the best you can in life? Are you in the best relationship ever? Is your checkbook balanced and money designated in the highest and best way? Are you in the best career of your dreams? Are you and your family members getting along in the best way? Is your health the best it's ever been? Are you the happiest you can be? Assessing your life from an external perspective relieves you of the possible denial you may have from looking at it from your inner point of view. If you say, "There's nothing I can do!" Then STOP those thoughts immediately. As you proclaim that, you generate subconscious beliefs that reinforce such negativity. Instead, say the following affirmations:

I see my life how it truly is, and I choose to make it better. I am very capable of change. I desire to live the highest and best life that I can! I am happy, healthy, loving, abundantly blessed, and at peace always! I am doing the best I can in all aspects of my life.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Importance of Solitude

Do you ever get an hour in the day just for yourself? What about even five minutes? From the moment you wake up till the moment you lie down, life happens -- alarm rings, dog barks, kids fight, husband gets frisky, horn blows, boss buzzes, friend calls, project list piles up, etc. etc. When your attention is diverted one thousand different ways throughout the day, your connection with inner peace and your higher self becomes strained. Life gets lived by the life you are living. External quiet and physical aloneness are invaluable for your sense of bliss and internal harmony. If you feel you don't have enough time to take time for yourself and just be alone, you need to create time. Simplify your life by cutting obligations that are not absolutely necessary. Start by taking five minutes per day of "you" time just to be in silence. Stop and park the car overlooking a lake on the way home, eat lunch by yourself, drive without the radio on, or stay up five minutes later after everyone else falls asleep. Clear the mental clutter of everything else that's happening, then allow your consciousness to receive the peace and healing your mind, body, heart, and soul are yearning for.

I deserve inner and outer peace. My reality is created by me. I simplify my life so that I may enjoy "me" time. I deserve a break. I am worthy to receive blessings of inner and outer peace.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Everything is Relative

How do you measure love, success, happiness, and abundance? Do you have a personal standard or self track record? Or, do you measure against someone else's relationships, career milestones, or amount of money in bank accounts? Everyone leads a very personal, individual life. Comparing your life to someone else's should only be done as motivation or to assess as an inspiring example. Feeling self-defeat or other negative emotions such as pity and worthlessness are counter-productive. Your own life can be evaluated using your past history to determine if you are evolving and working toward your maximum potential or if you have regressed. Feel honored and valued as a human if you know you've put in time, effort, patience, and education while pursuing a dream or goal. As you learn to understand how truly blessed you are, you will never look at your life as lacking. Where you are is where you are. If you desire change, create it in an honest, integrous, and fulfilling way.

My success is based on how I feel about the life I've created, am creating now, and will continue to create. I act in honorable and loving ways and give value to the work I complete. I am blessed and grateful for all that I have and all that I am.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Interacting with Others

When you converse formerly or casually with someone, do you consciously think about what comes out of your mouth? When you're at gatherings or being introduced to others you haven't met before, you may be more attuned to your thoughts, verbage, and actions. However, when you're interacting with someone who's been a friend, family member, or significant other for years, you may not give the same conscious attention to the conversations. The reason why this is so important is because you can inadvertantly say something negative or insulting to the receiving party, who holds more of a bond with you than an occasional acquaintance. "Just picking" jokes or little white lies may seem comfortable to you, but, just because this person is in your life for a long period of time, doesn't make it right for you to break the "human kindness" rule. Consider what you say and do, and ask yourself, "If I say this to her, will it make her feel good or bad?" If you decide on constructive criticism, be gentle and kind, use active listening, empathize, and give examples of how the situation can be handled better.

When I interact with others, I consciously choose positive words and affirmations. I have comfortable, pleasant connections with my loved ones. I express unconditional love and see the divine spark within all of life.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Take One Step

Too often we put aside our personal ambitions and goals to tend to more immediate concerns in life. What you have to remember, though, is that something is always going to be happening. It is up to you to honor your personal endeavors regardless of external situations. Once you take a small step, even if it's just sending out an email, the universe will respond to your energy and efforts and "get the ball rolling." You are more likely to feel motivated to take a second step the next day if you've already overcome the first hurdle. The small step you take today should reflect your natural desire to work toward what brings you joy. Don't do it out of obligation. Do it because you want to make your life better, because you want to pursue a personal interest, and because you are confident in your capabilities to fulfill your dreams.

Each step on my path is clearly illuminated. I recognize the next step I should take in life, and I move forward with ease and confidence. I love working toward my dreams. My biggest wish is fulfilled because I put in the effort and took daily steps. It feels so good to realize my goals. I am ambitious!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Be the Change

Gandhi is quoted as saying "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." What changes do you want for yourself, your family, and the world you live in? Would you like to experience more peace, love, abundance, health, and joy? Examine your daily thoughts, feelings, and actions. Do you feel internally peaceful? Are you sustaining loving relationships? What does true abundance mean to you? Are you holistically healthy? Are you happy? Change starts with yourself. You are the only one you have complete responsibility and control of. Be the bliss and spread your bliss out into the world.

I am an agent of change. I personally evolve everyday and better myself. I have control of my thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions and align them with love.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Create a Happiness Ritual

Everyday you have the ability to create peace and happiness or black clouds and chaos. Choose happiness by preparing yourself with a happiness ritual in the morning, throughout the day, and before bedtime. Think about what helps you feel internal bliss. When everything in your life is in harmony, you are in a much better position to maintain joy and peace, internally and externally. Major aspects of your life should ultimately be addressed so that they reflect balance, truth, power, and love. In order to start that process, make a point each day and with every thought, feeling, and action to infuse them with love, honor, and authority. Create an affirmation list; heal your emotional self through love and forgiveness; and choose actions that are positive, beneficial, and healthy. Keep your spirits up by laughing. Release negative toxins and energies by clearing your energy field and chakras, calling upon the angels, and drinking plenty of water. Ensure you are keeping your holistic self well taken care of. Do the things that you personally enjoy and never lose your sense of self.

I honor myself and choose peace, health, love, and happiness. I create each day with the intention to be happy. My thought, feelings, and actions are aligned with health and happiness. I maintain my bliss.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do Not Be Quick to Judge

This morning I was riding along in my car listening to my favorite country music station. The radio personalities were asking listeners to call in with their personal slogans or words of wisdom that keep them going and offer positive insight. As I was enjoying the conversations, I began to merge into the left lane to turn into a parking lot. A car had pulled out in front from the right side to make a left turn so I had to slow down. Immediately, a car behind me started honking its horn and I looked in my mirrors to see what was going on. Evidently he was trying to merge in the left lane beside me and was edging me on to hurry up and get over or get out of the way. I realized I was in between lanes but couldn't go anywhere due to the car in front of me pulling out. I had to stop to allow him to finish crossing. The guy in the car behind me decided to stop right next to me, roll down his window, and proceed to instruct me on how to merge over. I looked at him and said, "I understand what you're saying, but there was a car in front of me, and I couldn't pull over until it passed." The guy just sped off. So my morning went from listening to positive insights to almost getting into an accident because some man was too impatient and made a quick judgment on my driving skills. I was able to stop for a few seconds. I asked Archangel Michael to cut the negative cord attached to me from this guy, and then I prayed for him. I prayed that he would slow down, be patient, and not be so judgmental. May he learn from this lesson.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Relationship Partner

Do you ever wonder if you're making the right decision with respect to your significant other? Here are a few questions to consider: Does he help you feel good about yourself, or does he insult you? Does he help you improve as a person, or does he hold you back from bettering yourself? Does he say and do kind and loving things, or does he seem mean-spirited or apathetic? Do you work together as a team, or is the relationship one-sided? Can you communicate with him without feeling chastised, or does the conversation end before it even begins? Do you LOVE him, or are you just in the relationship out of convenience or because you feel unworthy of something better? If you are having thoughts about your commitment, examine these questions and decide if you are in an honorable partnership or if you deserve more.

I am worthy and deserving of an amazing partner and relationship. I respect myself enough to give and receive love in a beautiful relationship. I pray and trust that I will have the highest and best romantic relationship. All relationships serve a purpose, and if this one's purpose is completed, I release the relationship in love.

Monday, April 13, 2009

When You Can't Change Others

Let's face it...the only person you have control of is yourself. So what do you do when people close to you insist on repeating behaviors that you've asked them not to. If you love them and are in a fairly honorable relationship with them, the only thing you can do is work on your own thoughts, feelings, and actions. First of all, consider if you are overreacting to the situation. Is it that big of a deal? Are you making a mountain out of a mole hill? Examine your need to control a situation and its outcome. Are you allowing the other person to live his life in a way that suits him? You can always use spiritual help during this time in an effort to gain inner and outer peace. Call upon Spirit and the angels to heal the situation in the highest and best way after explaining how you feel about it. Ask them to help you gain peace and surrender the situation to God. Allow flexibility and understand that everything is in divine order for a purpose.

I let go and let God. I am eternally at peace in all situations. I actively listen and communicate with others. I let people know how I feel in an honest way and release the outcome as necessary. I pray for guidance.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Put Your Worries in a God Box

Do you frequently have worries or concerns about situations? Once you've done everything you possibly can (in healthy ways) about a situation, you should no longer bear the burden of ruminating over it. Let it go and let God/Goddess/Universe/Spirit/Higher Self take care of it. Write your concerns down on a piece of paper. Designate a box in a personal space that you can transform into a God Box. Make it sacred and imbue it with the intention of beautifying your thoughts, feelings, and actions to help heal your situation in the highest and best way. Place power items in the box that have meaning and can bring love, light, and good energy toward your concerns. Use your creative abilities to construct a sacred space for all your concerns and release any worries to Spirit. Place your written words into the box, setting them free for the Universe to take over and handle for the greatest good.

I let go and let God. My thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect peace, love, and harmony. Challenging situations are resolved with a win-win outcome. I am open to receiving divine guidance and take steps to heal my life.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Honor the Environment

Spring is a time for blossoming and renewal. Use the energy of nature to honor your local environment and refresh your spirit. Going green and becoming socially responsible are the new movements for protecting our planet. If you haven't started yet, participate in basic environmentally conscious activities. Placing trash in litter bins and recycling when you can are basic to helping the Earth. Set the intention to find more ways to help the environment, and you'll start to notice a more conscious, Earth-friendly approach to daily events. For example, water that may accumulate in the dishes after a dishwasher cycle can be used to water houseplants. You can recycle paper in your house by giving it to children in your family for arts and crafts projects. Work with animal spirit guides and nature spirits such as fairies to assist you in your going green initiative. Sit in a quiet outdoor space and be open to receiving the guidance and healing energy of our Earth Mother.

I honor and respect the Earth. I call upon animal and nature spirit guides for help in healing my life and the planet. I bless their gifts and guidance and do my part to go green. I ground myself and am infused with the healing power of our land.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Animal Spirit Guides

Everyone has a spiritual support system to tap into for personal help. Angels, deceased loves, and power or totem animals are included in the gamut of spirit guides available. Have you ever noticed a particular animal coming into your life at least three times? Whether through dreams, words, images, physical representation, or other means, power animals can make their presence known to you. If you realize you have an animal spirit guide showing up in your life, examine its characteristics. Are you experiencing a situation where you wish you could embody the qualities it exudes? Call upon this animal for guidance and support and to help protect you in life. Nurture the relationship you have with your power animal, or it may perish like any other partnership. Honor your animal guide and show gratitude for teaching you its ways.

I invite my power animal into my life. I graciously accept its teachings and use the knowledge to guide my life in the highest and best way. I honor my relationship with my spiritual support system.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Music as Therapy

Listening to music can have various effects on your mental, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive state. Depending on the mood of the music, your own mood can mimic the prevailing tone. Listening to sappy love songs after a break-up isn't necessarily good for your sense of inner power. However, if you wish to feel inspired or uplifted, find a song that really resonates with you to find that place in your heart and mind where you feel peace, comfort and an internal knowing that everything is really o.k. Dance or sway to the rhythm and set the intention that, with each motion, you are releasing old energies to allow fresh, new ones to enter.

Music moves my body, lifts my spirits, stimulates my mind, and connects with my soul.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Color Therapy with Green

Colors are associated with various emotions and concepts. Green is connected with healing as well as money perceptions. Using visualization, you can incorporate color therapy to heal your financial situation. Closing your eyes, take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out of your mouth. Envision a sparkling, emerald-green crystal above your head. The crystal emits a powerful stream of green light into your crown and radiates throughout your body and finally out of your hands and feet. You see the vibrant green beams tap into the universal grid and connect with other people and situations that present golden opportunities for you. The light from your feet illuminates a brilliant green path as you walk through opening doors and discover treasure chests of abundance. You feel great inside and confident of the reality you just helped create.

I attract synchronous, golden opportunities into my life. I am grateful for financial freedom. Abundant blessings come to me now. My financial situation is healed for the highest and best good.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Spiritual Support System

You have guardian angels and other spiritual resources available to you all the time. In order to receive help from them, you must first ask due to "free will." Asking the angels, goddesses, fairies, or even magical entities such as dragons can put you on the side of heaven and in the flow of universal energies. Being receptive to a world of creative solutions first requires an open mind and willingness to tap into these powerful resources. As you develop and grow each day, you'll feel more confident living "outside of the box" and having your sense of norm and past beliefs challenged. Relax your defenses and be open to receiving their guidance. The Universe will send you messages and synchronicities to let you know that you've been heard and that your angels and guides are working with you.

I fully open my heart and mind to receiving and accepting guidance from my spiritual support system. I call upon my angels and guides to assist me in living my life and purpose in the highest and best way. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Choose Peace

Every day, events happen in your life that you do not necessarily have control of. How you act or react to a situation, though, is entirely in your hands. In order to maintain your bliss, you need to make a conscious decision, before a thought even enters your mind, that you will choose to think, feel, and act from a place of peace. This process takes a little while getting used to and adapting as a habit; but the more you do it, the better you will feel about your choices. The tension will slowly melt away, and as you infuse peace, love, and faith into your conscious decisions, the Universe's energies will respond in a positive way. You will learn to trust in the process and be open to receiving a solution that benefits all.

I keep my focus on the here and now. I breathe peace into all of my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Power of Prayer

Prayer to God/Universe/Spirit or even your own higher self can be a cathartic experience. When I pray, I have my usual "Can you please bless my...." But the genuine emotional praying that elicits a deep physical, mental, and heartfelt communication can be much like writing a journal page, tearing it out, then releasing it into a drop box as a request to "Please heal this situation for the highest and best good." Sometimes just talking aloud or to yourself intending it to be heard by a spiritual support team is healing as you surrender and finally let go of any fears. In order for God or Spirit to manage the problem, you have to detach from any expectations or outcomes. In this way, a win-win situation from a higher level of consciousness can be created. Allow the magic of the Universe to do the dirty work and follow any subsequent guidance to co-create a more fulfilling solution.

When I pray, I surrender any challenging situations to my higher support systems and release the need to control the outcome. I trust in the power of Spirit.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Transcend the Pendulum

So you wake up one morning and the sky is blue, your kids are cooperating, you find an extra $20 in your pocket, and there's no traffic on the way to work. You go home and your neighbor gives you leftovers, you and your husband have a splendid intimate evening, and you get a full night's rest. Next day you wake up late because the electricity went out from a thunderstorm, your food in the fridge is ruined, you just remembered it was your turn at carpool, your child spills her milk all over the car seat, and its bumper to bumper traffic on the way to work. Your boss wants you to rewrite your proposal, your child throws up at school, and your husband decides to mention the business trip he has to go on for the next week.
How do you deal with life's ups and downs? How do you transcend the pendulum swing of emotions?
First of all remember that tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass. Then visualize yourself rising up the pendulum as it swings. Realize that everything happening is just an illusion and peace and harmony are what truly exists. Take a deep breath during the mishap and ask yourself why you feel negative emotions, fear, or stress about the situation. Make a conscious choice to let the negativity go and choose to follow a path of faith and love. Once you develop this habit, instead of managing stress you will be maintaining bliss by rising above.

I rise above challenging situations and maintain my bliss.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Keep it Simple

Just for today, think about how you can simplify your life. Can you clean out some clutter, cancel magazine subscriptions, avoid a phone call from a drama queen friend? The key to having peaceful days is to create inner and outer peace in your life. Inner peace can take a long time to develop as a habit, a function of daily life. We all want to be like Buddha and feel blissful all the time. The truth is, though, life happens and we experience a gamut of emotions, sometimes in the course of a few minutes. However, to create a sense of peace and bliss around your daily routine and external environment, you can take certain measures that you have control of. Develop healthy habits of organization, preparation, and simplification. Some habits that have helped me include the following:
* Keep your checkbook balanced
* Take care of mail daily
* Put clothes out at night for the next day
* Shop for groceries one week at a time
* Freeze extra food from cooking
* Cancel unwanted magazines
* Limit knick knack buying
* Put a list on fridge to mark items for shopping
* Invest in a file cabinet
* Designate one area as a to-do box
* Clean once per week -- sheets, vacuum, mop
Consistently working on a sense of structure and organization on a daily basis can bring peace to your external world. This is what you have control of so take advantage of creating the best situation conducive to bliss and harmony.

I structure and organize my life to create stability, balance, and hamony.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Overcoming Irrational Fears

We all have preconceived ideas about what may or may not happen if we try to experience something new. The problem with these preconceptions is that they are often negative and fear-based and prevent people from entering into a situation that could prove to be fun, exciting, and worthwhile. Fear-based notions often start at an early age and can continue to develop throughout adulthood. Unfortunately, the rationales behind what stops someone from new experiences are often unfounded and usually relate back to social conditioning. Social conditioning of fears refers to what society or the media deem as something to be scared of. For example, children's shows often depict little kids afraid of the dark with the monster lurking in the corner. Who says the dark is something to be afraid of? I teach my child that the dark is a blessing as it helps us to sleep better and get much needed rest. It can be depicted as a fun time to explore the nocturnal life, not a scary place. Examine your fears, whether you're afraid of the water, snakes, or meeting new people. Where do they originate? If it's some television program or magazine article that makes you feel like a victim, then stop watching and stop reading! If certain circumstances, such as previous rejected relationships, are stopping you, realize that these are in the past. Take responsibility and learn what you could have done better and move on. Don't not experience life because you're afraid to, simply reset your mind to one of confidence. It is a choice.

I choose from a place of love. My decisions are based on confidence and courage.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Need for Growth and Development

My 3 y.o. was watching a show today in which the little boy character decided he wanted to run away from home because he didn't want to take naps anymore. After his family candidly rationalizes with him about his decision, he decides not to go anymore. He would rather be close to his brother, play with his toys, and have fun with his friends. The show ended and my daughter comes up to me stating her wishes to run away from home as well. When she claimed it was due to the fact that she didn't want to take naps anymore, I reminded her that she gave up naps several months ago. She didn't have much else to say after that.
It was interesting to note that after viewing the whole episode, with the plot, the climax, and the resolution, she choose to focus on the conflict. I think we often do that in life. Look at your life situations as if they were a television show. Are you focusing on the crisis....the drama? We can choose to focus on a healthy outcome....a resolution. Of course through conflict and problems we can learn and personal development can occur. But do you want that in your life? Do you want situations where you feel like you're on an emotional roller coaster? Is that what you choose? We're here on Earth to learn and evolve so why not choose personal development involving healthy situations, like in a genuine partnership or when you're committing your time and efforts to a worthy cause. Review you life and release the dramas. You don't need them.

My life is full of fun and healthy situations that allow me to grow and development mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially, and socially. I choose to surround myself with positive influences.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Believe in Yourself

When we're in situations that just don't resonate with our true passions or what we really want, it's sometimes hard to regain the confidence and frame of mind to have faith in making a major life change. What has helped me out in the past is a conscious connection with God/Universe/Spirit/Life Energy/Higher Self, whatever you choose to call that universal spark that helps us to become truly aware of our individual purposes. Believing in yourself and in the creative mind of the Universe, is a big step on the path to a personal development journey. Listen to the inner voice or your higher conscience that propels you toward releasing situations that no longer serve your higher purpose. Surround yourself with people and events that support you on your journey. Remind yourself day to day with affirmations, meditation CDs, or whatever you need to keep your thoughts, feelings, and actions focused on your passion and purpose. The layers of the onion will continue to peel back as you believe in yourself and the true path of your life is revealed.

I fully believe and am confident in myself for choosing the path that fuels my passion and purpose. I believe in the power within myself and the Universe to manifest the brilliant life that I deserve.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Are you responsible for your life?

I was watching this new reality series on TV the other night about following the work of parking patrol and impound employees. What caught my attention most was the number of people who blatantly blamed the workers for their problems with tickets, expired registration, lapse in insurance, or suspended licences. According to most violators, it was the public employees' faults for their mistakes. Do you blame others for the life you've created? Or do you claim 100% responsibility for your own actions. This is the key to reclaiming your power and losing the "victim consciousness" mentality. Stop blaming others for your tickets and start owning your own mistakes. Once you've acknowledged responsibility, you're less likely to make those mistakes again because you become accountable. This is where personal growth and development occurs.

I am fully responsibility for thoughts, feelings, and actions. I now choose to create a brilliant, beautiful life.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mean Streak or Good Natured

I'd like to think we are all good by nature. Unfortunately, we're not evolved enough yet to connect with that element of spiritual goodness and purity every moment of our lives. A 20/20 special I saw last night showed a video of some teens purposefully beating up another girl out of anger and hatred. I felt so disheartened, and it only reinforced my decision not to watch the news or read the paper on a day to day basis. What I felt and thought was THIS HAS GOT TO STOP. We are beyond this...we have got to recognize that negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, fear, etc. are not the answer. Those situations will not heal our earth, our country, our neighborhoods, and our personal lives. What will heal us is channeling that energy into something positive, something purposeful, and something healthy. When I hear someone say, "I hate that person," I think about the karmic effect it has on everyone involved. I try to remember to pray and ask for a healing of those people's situation for the highest and best good and bless them. We have got to let our conscience influence our actions and decisions and steer us on a healthier course. Live with a conscience and consciously and the answer is simple -- be kind to yourself, others, and your environment and by all means LOVE LOVE LOVE.

I am kind. I show respect to all. I love.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Personal Development 101

Personal development is a term used to describe all that you do to improve your thoughts, feelings, actions, and habits--to develop yourself as a person and to evolve consciously. To finally say, "I am ready to change; I am ready to make things better," is empowering. This is the first step on your growth and development journey. Not only can you bring into harmony major life aspects such as finances, relationships, and career, but you can also incorporate insights into daily personal development. Choose consciously and with a conscience to live the life that you are truly passionate about.

I now embark on a personal development journey and choose all that is true and of integrity as it resonates with my mind, body, heart, and soul.