Sunday, October 25, 2009

Refocusing Thoughts and Feelings About Finances

During tough economic times, it's easy to regress to the mentality of "I can't" or "I don't have" because of the current financial situation you may be in. From what we know of the Law of Attraction principles and the energy of thoughts, focusing or complaining about the negatives will only reinforce that deficit vibration. In the heat of the moment when your mind or voice is rambling on worrying about money matters, take a deep breath. This will help re-center your mind, body, heart, and soul on the immediate present. Once you've regrounded yourself, say either out loud or to yourself, "I cancel, clear, and delete any negative affirmations regarding my money situation." Now start with the positive process of attraction with your thoughts. Say an affirmation of abundance such as, "I am fully supported in life with financial freedom, abundant blessings, and prosperous opportunities." Next use a visualization and imagination exercise to fully experience the sights, smells, tastes, sounds, tactile sensations, and emotions of success, comfortable living, and prosperity. See in your mind's eye you working in your dream career - the type of work you would like to do, the hours you want, the perfect location or office, the salary you desire, and the staff you would like to work with. Envision you and your family living in your dream home - playing with your pet, swinging on a porch swing, cooking BBQ in the backyard, and lying on warm silky sheets. Feel the joy and gratitude in your heart for these blessings. You can also call upon the angels of abundance to help align your vibration to attract what you desire. Be ready for change and follow through on divinely guided messages.

My thoughts, feelings, actions, and connections attract all that is good, healthy, and positive into my life. I immediately stop negative thinking and start focusing my attention on gratitude, blessings, and success. I work my magic and use my natural passions and talents in a creative way to bring blessings and healings to all involved.

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