Sunday, September 27, 2009

Holistic Healing from Past Negative Events

Your past has shaped you into the person you are today - mind, body, heart and soul. Circumstances from your past may have been healthy and beneficial, traumatic and life-changing, or neutrally somewhere in between. Though you may feel grateful for the positive experiences, you may also curse the negative ones or those people you perceive were responsible for creating them. If you find yourself still holding resentment, anger, and blame for negative events from your past, perhaps it is time to forgive and let go. Emotions such as those can occupy your mind with negativity, stress your physical body, pervade your heart with unsettling emotions, and tear away at your soul.

Return to the present moment. Are you safe? Do you have a roof over your head? Can you choose to be happy? Can you engage in fun activities? Do you feel someone is ruining your life right now? Are you able to stop thinking about the past and focus on the present? Can you find the blessings in past turmoil? Are you able to help or inspire others from your experiences?

Empower yourself now by taking responsibility for your holistic self and creating a new future based on self-awareness, positive growth, and a transformed perspective.

I surrender any negativity related to my past. It is the present and this moment is what I choose to focus on. I am now creating an empowered future based on an empowered sense of self. I choose peace and refuse to allow negative thoughts, feelings, and actions from my past to prevent me from reaching my potential. I am strong!

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